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vdB158 is the blue reflection nebula embedded in the long dusty nebula LBN534.  

Acquisition Details

LUM = 57x10min
RGB = 34x10min each
Total = 26hrs 30min

Scope:  CFF160 f6.5
Camera:  ZWO ASI6200MM-Pro
Filters:  Chroma 50mm LRGB
Mount:  Astro-Physics 1100GTO


LUM = 36x10min
RGB = 25x10min each Total = 18.5hrs

Scope: SV80ST
Camera: QHY163M
Filters:  Astrodon LRGB
Mount:  Astro-Physics 1100GTO


L = 203x2min
RGB = 80x3min each
Total = 18hrs 46min